Protects you from the 30th-day virus by allowing you to change the system date and time on a per-application basis. To protect these buggy sharewares from this virus, Cracklock uses techniques that other anti-virus vendors such as McAfee, Norton, Sophos, Thunderbyte and F-Proot seem to ignore. As its name implies, the virus manifests itself only once you have run the infected software for a certain period of time usually 30 days suffice to trigger it. Microsoftmathematics download free.Ĭracklock Download Cracklock is the leader in the hard task of repairing a bug present in a growing number of sharewares and exploited by a polymorph virus known as the '30th day' virus. Cracklock free download for Windows 7 - Cracklock protects you from the 30th-day virus. Aca les dejo el Link de descarga: si quieren otro video tutoria.